This post is my first ever attempt at a video blog. You may either watch the video or read the extended, original prose article below. Or do both, that would be cool too.
My History with Journaling
I never kept a weekly planner before this year. In high school and college they often hand them out for free in order to encourage students to use them. In those days though, I was young and stubborn and, frankly, rather ignorant, so I rebuked every journal or planner that was presented to me. Back then, I think that I regarded myself as being above the necessity for such devices out of some delusional notion that “my brain could do what other people needed a planner for”. If my memory serves me, there were a few instances where I gave it a whirl with a planner for maybe a week or so before promptly losing interest in it, or simply losing it.
That trend ended this past August when I encountered the Smart Planner Pro via an unsolicited Instagram advertisement. I followed the link (which was a mistake because I then got targeted ads for planners and journals for a month) and bought one off Amazon the following day.

This planner has been very durable for me. It’s a great size and I appreciate the pen holder on the side.
As I said in my previous post, I had been feeling stuck in my daily routine. I felt like time was out of my control and that it was slipping away without my consent. It was a combination of not actively structuring my days well enough and feeling like I didn’t know where my days had gone once they were over. I spent several weeks trying to figure out what I could do to remedy this feeling. I had no idea whether a planner would solve my problem or not, but I figured it was worth a shot.